TheGoodLife! Backstage at Zumiez Couch Tour NYC

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCZumiez rolled their skateboard and music circus known as the Couch Tour into NYC for the first time ever and hit up TheGoodLife! to make it nice in the VIP. Of course the VIP just happened to be situated right on the Hudson on a prime summer day so making it nice was a pleasure. From bringing in fam like Jasmine Solano (above) and NinjaSonik to make the music right to Krista Ayne and friends to make the vibe right, to our custom GoodWood x TheGoodLife! dominos and tables to make everything else right, it was a perfect recreation of summer in the city. Add a trip in the heli and an afterparty at the Cardinal with everyone from Leo Romero, Jaws and Dakota Servold to Roofeeo and Mr Mumbles and you could definitely say it was a good day. Check out some more Craig Wetherby flicks after the jump and hit Radcollector for Timbo’s recap of the action.

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYC Welcome to NYC.

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCLet’s get some bones crackin.

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCOh hey girls.

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCRoofeeo, Timbo and Brittany getting serious.

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCAnyone up for a heli ride?

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCOh hell yes!

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCWow the event looks tiny from here! (first pier on the left)

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCGot off the heli just in time for NinjaSonik. Dudes were turnt up!

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCJah Jah was even turning up the harmonica.

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCWhile Krista Ayne turned things up in her own way.

TheGoodLife! Zumiez Couch Tour NYCRoofeeo and friends enjoyed the sunset and of course the PBR.

P1100775Before SHUT pro Pat Hoblin called it a wrap.