TheGoodLife! “Camp Nice” 2015 – Super Re-Cap Extravaganza!

This year we gathered with our close friends & family during the Fly Fall Equinox at Promised Land State Park up in the Poconos for an epic week long adventure full of camping, canoeing, cooking, exploring, and enjoying the best of times together! After weeks of editing hundreds of photos we finally bring you our memories from Camp Nice! Major thank you to Burton for providing warmth and shelter, Coleman for chilling our food & drinks and helping us light the way &  Outdoor Tech for providing the sounds and keeping us charged up!
Enjoy our journey in photos by Craig Wetherby below!

As the troops began to arrive we tested out their camp skills to see who would be earning merit badges…Sigrún, Jasmine & Justin earned theirs first!

But there were plenty of badges to be earned like fire starting, knot tying and even bear wrestling…

As we settled in for the night our High Priestess, Chenoah, volunteered to keep a lookout and protect us from any predators…

Our Kool Kamp Kounselor, Ricky Powell, kept us entertained with plenty of campfire stories…

He had everyone cracking up and it was just the beginning…

Of course we had marshmallows roasting…

Keeper Of The Flame!

After a long day of setting up camp we were ready to settle down for the night…

We were feeling pretty strong after Day 1!

Mornin! Breakfast time was the best time with The Green Fairy!

Grilled sandwiches stayed on deck all day every day!

CAMP_NICE063Our living room was proper too…we even had a library and an Outdoor Tech sound system & power station…

After breakfast it was time for a quick dip in the lake…

Jasmine was looking out for the very rare Pocono Mermaids…

Siggy & Courtney definitely earned their Mermaid Badges!

After a refreshing morning swim all the critters started to come out to play…

These little buggers were everywhere…

Ricky was mesmerized…


CAMP_NICE053Mike Swoop grabbed his tackle box and headed down to the lake to try and catch us some dinner…

He was focused…

Courtney also grabbed her special tackle box of goodies as we got ready for our hike…

The troops were feeling good and ready to explore…

Ahhh! Natures candy…

But we started to get into the danger zone…

CAMP_NICE075Justin kept his eyes open for predators…

And so did Chenoah…

But before we knew it we got run up on by a Black Bear!

After a dangerously close encounter Ricky called for an emergency safety meeting back at camp!

Jasmine practiced her Kung Fu to scare off any other creatures that were coming for us…

CAMP_NICE050This little guy didn’t seem too shook tho…

CAMP_NICE047Pat wasn’t scared of bears but was terrified of the Brown Recluse Spider!

Melaney wasn’t scared of nothing!

CAMP_NICE071We also had watchdogs guarding our camp! Whassup Peggy??

Mo knows!

CAMP_NICE052After a heavy day Ricky put his beloved feline friend, Blackberry, to rest…RIP!

CAMP_NICE062Each morning we had a natural alarm clock to wake us up…

Siggy earned her Fire Starter Badge the good ol’ fashioned way…

CAMP_NICE060Courtney got her frittata on and Ricky & Tono were highly impressed!

CAMP_NICE061We all had our morning rituals and Tono got his started with some horseshoes…


Cass enjoyed some early morning balancing acts…

CAMP_NICE077Pat had his own method…

CAMP_NICE064You know shits about to get serious once Stuntman Larry pulls up on the scene!

CAMP_NICE038Larry also practices some morning rituals…

CAMP_NICE069Besides being a stuntman he was also a Tai Chi master…

CAMP_NICE039And enjoys long walks down to the lake for his morning coffee…

CAMP_NICE045He also has a knack for reeling in some big fish…

CAMP_NICE044Lucky for him there were some mermaids lurking by the waterfront…

Looks like he caught one!CAMP_NICE049Once Ricky got word that there were mermaids around he led the troops to try and find some more…

While Pat & Cass enjoyed a lovely sunset date cruise…

CAMP_NICE067Cass also set up the dope arts & crafts zone…

CAMP_NICE046Ricky was feeling the creative energy…ZOOTED!

CAMP_NICE070He also roasted his first marshmallow ever…

Tono kept the fire going all night!


The moon was magical…

CAMP_NICE054Shelby & Merrill were all about fun & games…

George & crew always bring the good vibes…

As the sun set each night we gathered down by the lake…

Shelby took in all the pretty colors…

While Chenoah was reflecting…

And Lauren was in true goddess form…

Mike G was also in his element cheffing up some marvelous shit!

His beef stew was next level!

CAMP_NICE055Cass even brought some arepas!

And of course we had fondue!

Tono had the serious chili game too!

Ricky loves his corn but can’t stand cornballs!

Fresh fish was being grilled up…

And Jesse made sure we didn’t leave any for the bears…

Dessert was on & poppin too!

After our feast Ricky started to get a little frisky…

While the rest of the campers got busy on the fireside domino table…

It was warm & cozy…

Oh Dip!

Heads up! The view was insane…

On our final day Jessie & Sanja got things started at the crack of dawn…

Some of us had too much fun…

CAMP_NICE079We had to check out the local church on Sabbath…

God Is Love…


CAMP_NICE043We interacted with some locals…

And went on a nice hike to enjoy the last bit of peace & quiet before heading home…

Ricky Van Winkle was one with nature…

We even foraged for some snacks…

CAMP_NICE078Crew Deep!

CAMP_NICE80But there was still more fun to be had!

CAMP_NICE81We felt victorious after a nice long week of being disconnected in nature…

CAMP_NICE048Final sunset cruise…

The vibes were perfect!

We were blessed with a gorgeous sunset once again!

CAMP_NICE072The last of the survivors…We made it!

CAMP_NICE82Til next year!

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